BktRemote Suite is a package of programs that allow you to control the transceiver with different devices via a LAN connection or WiFi..
Windows PC with a CAT Bkt Control (CatBkt, IC706_BKT, IC7000BKT, IC7100BKT) that will be the server
LAN or WiFi connection or high speed internet
Client devices (can be Windows PC and / or Smartphone Android)
- BktRemoteServer: must be installed on the PC with the CAT Control
- BktRemoteClient: must be installed on all Windows PCs that need to connect to the server
- BktRemoteServer.Net: must be installed on the PC with the CAT Control (Requires Microsoft Net Framework 4)
- BktRemoteAndroid: must be installed on Android smartphones that have to connect to the server
BktRemote for Android now supports BktDxCluster
Since version 1.0 BKTRemoteSuite can use Mumble for streaming audio. Mumble is a third-party product. For support or information about Mumble, please refer to: http://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page
For problems or other use the Forum
'73 de Mauro, IZ2BKT