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IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
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IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
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  IC7000BKT Version 1.13.x
Posted by: iz2bkt - 03-23-2011, 06:49 AM - Forum: News / Novità - Replies (1)

Is available for download :

IC7000BKT Version 1.13.0 :

- Added other settings in Set Mode.

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Posted by: ik0vtg - 03-22-2011, 01:57 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Discussioni - Problemi - Errori - Replies (3)

ciao a tutto il forum , complimenti per il programma.
Ho cercato di uare il tuo prg con IC 756 pro 3 e le porte splittate di VSPE per usare
piu' prg insieme ,( questo lo faccio normalmente con tutti i prg in
digitale) purtroppo non le legge VEDE SOLTANTO LE COM ( USB )ISTALLATE.
Cortesemente c'e' qualche modo per poterlo fare? o debbo settarle
ringrazio anticipatamente per le informazioni.
Ciao 73 de Giancarlo IK0VTG

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  Errore non specificato
Posted by: it9hlr - 03-17-2011, 10:03 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (23)

di frequente esce la mascherina con su scritto "Errore non Specificato" e il programma si blocca.
Io uso la radio in CW e in FULL BK-IN e quando leggo la freq. sembra un pò impazzire.
Come posso risolvere il problema

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  Blocco programma
Posted by: it9hlr - 03-14-2011, 08:01 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)

Ciao Mauro,
grazie per la nuova chiave.
Sto avendo problemi con il programma, dopo pochi minuti che funziona si
blocca tutto.
Ho variato la porta,la velocità non so cos'altro fare.
Uso un cavetto usb nuovo,mi è arrivato proprio oggi.
Ho provato sia sulla radio che nel programma a variare la velocità, ma si
Il blocco avviene dopo che con la radio mi sono spostato di freq.,cambiato
banda ecc.
Se lascio tutto fermo non si blocca.
Cosa mi suggerisci di fare?

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  Supporto audio
Posted by: it9hlr - 03-11-2011, 10:36 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (7)

Ciao Mauro,
ho appena provato ad installare iul programma sul mio nuovo computer,ma subito in partenza mi esce:
Non so cosa fare per farlo partire.
Ti informo che ancora la radio non è collegata al computer perchè sono in attesa di ricevere il cavetto CT-17 usb, precedentemente usavo la porta seriale.
Con il precedente computer usavo il cavetto rs232 e tutto ha sempre funzionato.
Ho provato a cambiare i parametri audio ma non me lo consente.

Saluti, Salvo it9hlr

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  Cannot connect to program
Posted by: W5KTT - 03-07-2011, 08:03 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (7)

Good Afternoon,

I'm a quadriplegic who was referred to your software by someone at Ham Radio Deluxe, because your software can change tones for T-SQL, and HRD cannot. BKT allows more control via computer (CAT control).

For some reason, when I loaded it, I cannot connect and I'm forced to Offline Mode and therefore cannot change ports to try; but HRD works fine on Com 5, the com port I'm using. HRD is not open though.

Also, the little box that comes up when I first installed BKT7000 where I set the ports/speed no longer comes up. It just says Com5 isn't working, exit or work offline. How can I change them now?

My system is a Dell Laptop, with a CI-V cable that has both ACC plug and 1/8" plug for the radio (I have to unplug the ACC and only use the 1/8" for HRD).

Keith W5KTT

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  CATBKT puts the radio in direct transmission
Posted by: py4xx - 03-04-2011, 03:39 AM - Forum: Yaesu - Replies (8)

CATBKT installed, but the settings do not match to my FT-897D ... When setting up and open the program, the radio is in direct transmission.
No more setting that I have not tried ...

Any tips please??

RIG: FT-897D
CAT: Made in House
S.O.: Win 7 Ultimate
USB to Serial Adapter: COM4

For use with the BBLOGGER.


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  icom 756pro + Catbkt
Posted by: iz8atp - 03-01-2011, 08:15 PM - Forum: Icom - Replies (2)

Ciao Mauro,
grazie, innanzitutto, per la tua interessante interfaccia.
L'ho collegata con il mio, oramai, vecchio 756 pro e sto testando la nuova versione beta.
Ho riscontrato un problema riguardo all'S-meter, che anche quando stacco l'antenna al mio rtx, segnala S6.

A presto Antonello

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  Resizing the Main Program
Posted by: bill2003 - 02-01-2011, 01:15 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)

I would like the facility to resize the main control panel so that it covers the whole of a 1024 x 768 screen format with the Quickset, Audio Recorder and PTT docked to it.

One thing I do find irritating is when I open the program up, the Quickset panel, Audio Recorder and the PTT panels are never where I left them and I have spend time putting them back at the side of the main control screen. It would be good if these postitions could be 'remembered' when the program is closed down at the end of a session.

Othewise, the program is excellent and does the job very well.
Bill - G4ERV

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  Hardware Limits on CI-V Command
Posted by: iz2bkt - 01-29-2011, 03:25 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - No Replies

The communication protocol (CI-V) of transceivers ICOM IC-706 has some limitations hardware:

For all models (IC706 - IC706MKII - IC706MKII/G) :
It is not possible read or write memory names.
It is not possible read or write the subtone value.
It is not possible read the setting of the DUP

For IC706 and IC706MKII :
It is not possible read or write memory names.
It is not possible read or write the subtone value.
It is not possible read the setting of the DUP
It is not possible read the S-Meter
It is not possible read the SQL
It is not possible read or write the Attenuator
It is not possible read or write the Preamplificator
It is not possible read or write the AGC
It is not possible read or write the NB
It is not possible read or write the Tone
It is not possible read or write the TSQL
It is not possible read or write the Vox
It is not possible read or write the BKin
It is not possible read or write the Compressor
It is not possible read or write the DUP
It is not possible read or write the Reverse

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