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Connect using VSPE Virtual Serial Ports Emulator
If you can't connect to the rtx with the program could be a drivers problem, especially if you use USB interfaces, to resolve this problem, you can try to use a virtual COM port:

1) Download the Virtual Serial Ports Emulator VSPE ( free for 32 bit operating systems ) from here:
2) Install and run VSPE
3) Power On the RTX

From VSPE:
4) From the Menu Device select Create
5) In Device Type select Splitter and click Next
6) In Virtual Serial Port select a COM free (or leaves that proposal from the program)
7) From Date Source Serial Port select the COM connected to rtx
8) Un-check Read-only and Redirect modem registers
9) Click End

From IC706_BKT:
10) Launch the program IC706_BKT ( version 4.8.0 or higher )
11) Go to Utility->Configuration->Com configuration
12) In Port select the COM created in point 6
13) In Serial Port Mode select MODE 2
14) Confirm all with OK
73 de Mauro, IZ2BKT

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